Thursday, November 13, 2014

I fell off the face of the earth.

So much and so little has kept me away from blogland. Mostly it's been my health, but there have been some other things. Like the transition from Sir being gainfully employed to him working on "personal projects." Really he has a job, it's just not exactly a paying gig right now. So here we are, living off of savings, and COBRA insurance. With my health problems and my son's therapy appointments (he's high functioning ASD) we are paying out the butt for insurance that keeps us from being bankrupted by medical bills.

Personally, I've been sick for a few weeks. Either flared up in pain, or like right now, fighting of yet another cold/fever. It's getting really fucking old. I don't see my neuroopthomologist until Dec, and at that time if he can't figure out a better way to manage pain, I'm asking for a referral to the neurology group at the hospital. We'll see how it goes.

Another thing that has kept me away from here is a severe lack of kink. Like everything in life it ebbs and flows, and right now it's definitely low tide. Dynamic is in place mostly though, so I feel comfortable. We did manage to have sex a couple of days ago with a ton of orgasm control, and nipples that are still sore. Afterward I was dozing off while we were watching tv, and the sadist kept bumping me awake. Apparently sleep control is a new thing. Not that I'm complaining mind you.

I am also doing the research I need to start another blog where I will be researching and reporting on strains of marijuana, their usage, benefits and drawbacks. I also want to slowly introduce advocacy topics to encourage decriminalization and/or legalization in the rest of the country. It's my pet project and fully expect it will take me several months to get it up and running. I'm passionate about this cause, especially because it is the only thing that helps my pain during a flare up.

So that's what I've been up to. I'm going to try to catch up on everyone's blogs, but it might take me a while. Hugs to all!


  1. ugh! I'm so sorry you've been having such a crappy time. Glad you found something the help the pain though!!

    1. Thank you Misty! Hoping 2015 is a better year for sure. :)

  2. Hope you feel better soon. Jackie was here.

    1. Hi Jackie, thank you! My cold is finally fading, so now we wait to see if it has left my IIH flared up. Hopefully not, I'm pretty sure my back log of cane strikes is very long as I get seriously mouthy when I'm not feeling well. Sir just makes nots of the "infractions" and I pay later. O.O

  3. Will you be posting the link to your other blog, and if not, could I get the link by any chance.? It's a topic that I'm quite interested in...

    1. Yes lil, I will absolutely be sharing the new blog. Still trying to figure out which niche I want to add my 2 cents too. I'm thinking "strain of the week" and other reviews. Luckily I'm in a place where it's legal for recreational use. :)
      But feel free to email me at and I'll share any insights I have now. I've been a user for a very long time, mostly for pain control, but some for recreation. <3

    2. Sorry the email is
