Sunday, August 10, 2014

Weekend and new tattoo

This weekend has been so healing. Tattoo work is so cleansing to my soul, the depression that has plagued me for the past month and a half has lifted for at least the time being. I'll take it.

I spent the day with a lot of my favorite people, not all, but most. It's always amazing to me how friends that I've known almost all of my life can be so far away and we can pick up like a day hasn't passed since I was with them last. We had a great time today getting tattooed together, talking, eating and drinking. It was great to catch up even though it didn't feel like catching up, more like hanging out like we saw each other yesterday.

My tattoo artist, who is my best friend's husband, is amazing. He always takes my ideas and makes them better. He doesn't do flash work, rather you give him an idea of what you're looking for and he makes a piece of art that is all yours.

I gave him two pictures of what I had in mind, a little of each, and he just seemed to know what I had visualized in my mind. It came out perfect. I wanted a filigree humming bird with his tail morphing into a flower that it was feeding from. A symbol of life, self reliance, playfulness, resilience, and an end to negativity. Seeing this piece will remind me of the things I need to remember about myself to stay positive even when I'm at my lowest. I love my life, I am resilient, playful and the negative self talk needs to end.

I got it on my left thigh because the left side of the body is the side of the heart. It is a further reminder to take all of those meanings to heart.

My thighs are a part of my body I am less proud of, but I am learning to love my body and all of its perfect imperfections. That is why I decided on my thigh. A perfect reminder that my body is beautiful no matter their size or perceived imperfections.

Here is another list that tells about the symbolism of hummingbirds:
Hummingbird Meaning

The hummingbird generally symbolizes joy and playfulness, as well as adaptability. Additional symbolic meanings are:
Lightness of being
Enjoyment of life
Being more present
Bringing playfulness and joy in your life
Lifting up negativity
Swiftness, ability to respond quickly
Resiliency, being able to travel great distances tirelessly

And here is the picture. I am in love with this piece. #21 is perfect!


  1. Gorgeous ink! I absolutely love it. I am the same way with my tattoos as you were saying in your most recent post, all of mine have a very strong connection and meaning to me. So glad you had a great time, and welcome home! :)

    1. Thanks hon, this is one of my favorite pieces. My two octopi are my favorite pieces. It was a great weekend, and I feel so much less depressed than when I left.

    2. I can understand that- my arm pieces are my favorites (fall leaves and a wolf - they go up half my arm) :) I am so glad you were able to get away and relax and unwind some - it's so important to do. <3
