Monday, July 28, 2014

Bestie Date Night

Last night was a ton of fun, but it also showed me what an incredible introvert I really am. I went to dinner and then to see Book of Mormon (hilarious by the way) with one of my best friends, her husband, and two other couples. So I was the 7th wheel?

Everyone was really kind, and inclusive, I really appreciated how how everyone tried to include me in the conversation at dinner. I was not so good at joining however, I'm not only an introvert, I'm shy as well. I'm also terrible at small talk.

The food was delicious, though it was difficult to find something on the menu for me to eat. I have several dietary restrictions, and I've grown up thinking I don't like fish. The restaurant was a fish restaurant. One of the other couples apologized, saying they didn't know that I didn't eat fish. It was a sweet thought, but really, choosing a restaurant for seven people you're bound to have someone who isn't thrilled with the menu. I did however, taste my friend's black bass and I think I may have been cheating myself all these years, because it was amazing!

After dinner we went to the show, and I laughed so hard I was sorry I wasn't wearing adult diapers! I have decided to buy a season pass to the theater group so I can enjoy 5 more musicals over the next year.

By the time I got home I was so tired I could hardly keep my eyes open. Sir thought I was mad at him because I was  a bit snippy, but it was just because all I could think about was laying down. I did my piercing aftercare and went up to bed, no night time snack (which is super unusual for me) and just enjoyed the quiet.

It dawned on me this morning that the reason I was so exhausted was because being around so many people drained me. Especially people I didn't know well. I am a true introvert, through and through. I am happy to be by myself for days and days, it is recharging to me.


  1. Introverts unite. lol. I love people, I really do - but I so cannot take being in a crowd, or being around people much. Empathy has a huge part in that for me as well. Seems it's good I'll be working with the dead soon instead the living,haha. :)

    Hugs! Glad you had tons of fun! :)

  2. I am not good with strangers at all, or crowds, or parties. Small groups of people I know well I'm ok in, and people online I'm pretty great with. But having to be social with folks I don't know fact to face is exhausting to me. I can still have fun, but it takes *so* much energy that I try to avoid it as much as I can.
