Thursday, July 24, 2014

Pet Peeve

I have a huge pet peeve that has been poked at a lot in the past few days. My peeve? The assumption/assertion that people, especially submissive women, in the BDSM community are some how broken. That masochism, and/or submission are somehow caused by mental illness on their part.
It really got on my nerves when I sat down to watch Secretary last night. Ok, so it is 15 years old, and times and views have changed a bit since then, but the backstory of the female Lee being mentally ill before discovering her submissive/masochist side just makes me want to scream! Why are we always portrayed as needing saved? Or mentally ill? Or abused? You get what I'm saying, right?

Today on the Official Laci Green Facebook page had a status that read, "omg i cant wait until Fifty Shades of Grey comes out & spreads wildly inaccurate info about BDSM to millions of teens!!!!!!!!!!!!" Which I totally agree with, but it was the comments that made me so angry. So many of them were the same old shit, "why would anyone let a man do that to them? Are they so broken? Mentally ill?" Etc. I have to admit that I joined in the discussion replying to the misinformed people until I remembered that arguing with people in a comment thread is a losing war. 

A small note about 50 Shades, all I know about the books is what I've heard from both vanilla friends and friends in the community. I tried reading the first book but couldn't get past the first two chapters because of the amazingly terrible writing. So other than what I've heard about how it is a poor example of a healthy BDSM relationship, I can't offer an opinion.


  1. I do completely agree, I think a lot of it is misunderstanding, lack of knowledge with a dash of ignorance.

    However i do think that unless one is in these types of relationships it is hard to understand, for the average vanilla person they are not going to be able to comprehend/understand why anyone would want this.

    That, however, does not excuse the judgement and harsh criticism.


  2. I agree, it just makes me irritated. I don't judge vanilla people, even though I don't understand the draw. :)
    I try not to let it get to me but it's so hard sometimes.

